(+30)23730 65577
08:30 to 20:30  / Monday - Friday

Agricultural machinery operator

By agricultural machinery is meant any self-propelled machine or non-self-propelled machine intended primarily for carrying out agricultural work for the production of agricultural products or for the transport of animals, either independently or with the aid of towed machinery, tools and trailers.

Available programs
  • Type A operating licenses
  • Type B operating licenses
  • Operating licenses or machine degrees
  • TYPE A
  • TYPE B
Type A driving licenses
Type A driving licenses
The driving license for agricultural machinery type A covers biaxial agricultural tractors, beet exporters and all other machinery over 15 hp, except those specified separately by another license or degree. The minimum age for obtaining it is the 17th year and is valid for 15 years from the date of issue or the date of renewal.
Type B driving licenses
Type B driving licenses
The driving license of agricultural machinery type B covers the uniaxial agricultural tractors, motor diggers, milling machines, auxiliary tricycles less than 15 hp, lawn mowers, etc. low power. The minimum age for obtaining it is the 17th year and is valid for 5 years from the date of issue or the date of renewal.
Operating licenses or machine degrees
Operating licenses or machine degrees
The operator license and the degree of agricultural machinery cover the harvester, cotton harvester, tobacco harvester, etc. Holder for at least 2 years of type A license has the opportunity to become an assistant operator of agricultural machinery and after 2 years to obtain the pilot's degree with practical examinations. Valid for 15 years from the date of issue or the date of renewal.

Program summary

For the initial issuance of a driving license for agricultural machines type A and B, the candidate must be at least 17 years old. Candidate who does not have a driver's license, is required to undergo medical examinations and in addition is theoretically examined in 2 forms a) on the road traffic code and b) on mechanical questions. Holders of a driving license are only examined for mechanical questions.

Operating licenses and degrees for agricultural machinery are obtained by those who hold a driving license for agricultural machinery type A for at least 2 years. At the beginning as assistant pilots and after 2 years they obtain the license - degree after successful practical examinations.

Conditions for obtaining operating licenses for agricultural machinery

  • Type A operating licenses 
    The minimum age for obtaining it is 17 years and is valid for 15 years.
  • Type B operating licenses
    The minimum age for obtaining it is 17 years and is valid for 15 years.
  • Operating licenses and agricultural degrees μηχανημάτων
    Possession for 2 years type A license and valid for 15 years.

    You have a question?

    (+30) 23730 65577
    Working Hours
    Monday/Friday 08:30/20:30