Available programs
- Issuance of special TAXI license
- Renewal of special TAXI license
- Extension of special TAXI license
- Copy of special TAXΊ license due to wear or loss
The special driving license of a Passenger Public Use Special Lease car gives its owner the right to drive Taxi cars up to nine (9) seats that perform routes based on lease. Extend your diploma and immediately become a professional public passenger TAXI driver.
For the initial issuance of a special driving license for a Public Use Passenger (EDX) TAXI car, the candidate must:
1. To be at least 21 years old and not to have exceeded 69ο έτος της ηλικίας του.
2. To hold a valid category B driving license.
3. To be healthy based on the current institutional framework.
4. If he is a Greek citizen, to be a graduate of at least compulsory education (high school graduate) or a recognized corresponding school abroad.
5. If he is not a Greek citizen, to speak the Greek language adequately.
6. Not to serve with any employment relationship in the State, N.P.D.D., N.P.I.D. of the public sector of L.1256 / 1982 (AD65), as it applies each time.
7. Not to have retired as a direct insured from any fund or from the State.
8. Not to have been punished by a Disciplinary Board for driving or using it as an E.D.X. car, a vehicle that does not have a valid registration certificate as E.D.X.
9. Not to have been irrevocably convicted for one of the offenses of case a of article 100 of law 4070/2012 (A '82), ie for the offense of forming or joining a criminal organization, counterfeiting, circulation of counterfeit coins, forgery, forgery and misuse of stamps, bribery, intentional homicide, robbery, kidnapping, rape, child molestation, seduction of children, facilitation of minors, child pornography, pimping, exploitation of prostitution, extortion, fraud, infidelity, violation of the law on arms, drug trafficking and use, violation of the provisions of the law on prevention and suppression of money laundering, smuggling of illegal immigrants, bankruptcy, disobedience and illegal employment of workers.
10. To succeed in the special written examination in matters of regulation E.D.X. cars in accordance with the provisions in force.